lunes, 23 de mayo de 2011

Map of UK population density

Below is a map of the UK's population density. The third and fourth grade might like to look at it as they've been studying population recently.

A few facts:
The estimated population of the UK is just over 62 million.
The UK is very densely populated, with 255 inhabitants per km squared.
Over 84% of the UK's population lives in England.

martes, 17 de mayo de 2011

May Day Morris Dancing

The first Monday of May, known as 'May Day' in the UK, is a national bank holiday. Instead of going to work, or to school, people often gather at funfairs to watch children dance around a May Pole. In some places they even decorate wells and fountains with colourful petals, flowers and beans!

One other unique May tradition is Morris dancing. In the video below you can see some Morris dancers performing in Cambridge, England:

miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

'Welcome to London' JClic

Celebrate May!

May Day
These days, May Day is more a celebration of new life and the beginning of spring. Different celebrations include choosing a May Queen to 'head' the day's festivities, dancing around a maypole, morris dancing, collecting flowers, and a belief that a girl should wash her face with dew on May morning to obtain lasting beauty.

lunes, 21 de febrero de 2011

Pancake Tossing Contest!

Pancake Day is fast approaching: Tuesday 8th March. To help you prepare for our own pancake tossing contest here's a video of some British television personalities showing off their skills!

martes, 25 de enero de 2011

Songs in English

Some of you have made the 'New Year's resolution' to listen to music in English - you know who you are! Here's a link to some nice songs, that have good lyrics for learning and revising your language: